Economic Opportunity &
Health Care Anchor Strategies
A Collective Impact Approach
CLC engages hospitals, health systems, and other partners to build a framework for a collective impact approach to advance health equity and economic opportunity. CLC and HASC convene hospitals to assess organizational progress to advance health equity and anchor strategies and, in partnership with the Healthcare Anchor Network (HAN), developed a 3-year strategic plan and learning opportunities including:
- Adoption of an anchor mission
- Inclusive local hiring and internal workforce development
- Local purchasing with diverse suppliers
- Place-based investment strategies
- Community partnerships
Hospitals as Community Anchor Institutions
Hospitals as community anchor institutions hire people, buy goods and services from within their communities and can be significant catalysts to create a more inclusive economy. CLC, in conjunction with HASC, where appropriate, will support hospitals and health systems by:
Engaging & Commitment
Engaging and gaining the commitment of hospital executives; hospital board members; HR executives; Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI); procurement/supply chain and community health professionals; to build institutional capacity and regional alignment to address social determinants of health and advance health equity.
Exploring a Southern California Anchor Collaborative to provide an opportunity to exchange knowledge and gather information and resources aligned with the DHEI Roundtable Series and AB 962 Hospital Supply Chain Diversity Task Force.
Capacity & Knowledge
Establishing a learning collaborative that will bring together hospital executives, senior managers and thought leaders to build capacity and knowledge to advance health equity and economic opportunity across organizations. Topics will include anchor mission overview, data and evaluation, workforce development, community engagement and partnerships, supplier diversity and place-based community investments.
Learning Opportunities Offered
Anchor Mission 101, January 31, 2023, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. via Zoom
This session will give an overview of the anchor mission concept and key workstreams, including inclusive local hiring, impact purchasing and place-based investing. Facilitated discussions will help hospital teams articulate their roles in realizing the anchor mission and engaging in its work at the individual hospital/health system, county and regional levels.
Inclusive Local Hiring, March 30, 2023, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. via Zoom
The workshop will focus on an inclusive local hiring strategy within the anchor mission and create shared understanding. A panel of HASC members will present examples of inclusive local hiring strategies.
Impact Purchasing, May 31, 2023, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. via Zoom
This session will focus on the impact of purchasing strategy within the anchor mission and create shared language and understanding. A panel of HASC member hospitals will present examples of impact purchasing strategies in practice.
Place-based Investment, August 30, 2023, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. via Zoom
The learning session will focus on place-based investing strategies within the anchor mission and create shared language among the group. A panel of HASC member hospitals will present examples of place-based investing strategies in practice. These examples will include individual plans (i.e., within a single health system) and collaborative processes (i.e., with multiple institutions).
Interested in Exploring New Initiatives?
Together we can advance health equity and economic opportunity in our communities. By actively participating in our initiatives, we can drive meaningful change. Let us collaborate, advocate, and implement strategies to improve supplier diversity, address social determinants of health, foster inclusive economies, and enhance access to equitable care. Together, we can create a brighter and more inclusive future for all. Join us by participating in one of our initiatives today!