Inland Empire Behavioral Health (IEBH)

Identify strategies to improve the delivery of mental/behavioral health care
for patients in emergency rooms in the Inland Empire (Riverside and San
Bernardino Counties)

Building a Foundation

The initiative that HASC, Communities Lifting Communities (CLC), HC2 Strategies, and hospitals are co-leading will build the foundation of a hospital-specific program for improved delivery of mental/behavioral health care for patients in the emergency room. We recognize that multistakeholder collaboration is necessary to affect change in the entire mental/behavioral health care delivery system. We will begin by identifying hospital priorities first and then quickly add other stakeholders and behavioral health system leadership to the table.

A Collective Impact and Action

The idea of this collaborative came about from the 2022 Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA), which listed Mental/Behavioral Health and Substance Abuse as top burdens of disease in the region. These were the same results from the 2019 and 2016 CHNAs. We pulled together all the hospitals and stakeholders after the 2019 CHNA and called it “Strategic Community Planning and Investment Convening,” but then the pandemic hit, and the collaborative took a pause. This new collaborative will undertake similar efforts using a different framework and approach as we strive for collective impact and action.


We held a workshop-style meeting on May 17, 2023 to talk through:

  • The greatest challenges and barriers with mental/behavioral health + substance abuse patients in the emergency room
  • The downstream impact on throughput
  • Key partnerships and resources available and how they support patient discharges and transfers and where there are opportunities for improvement and collective action
  • Current efforts and best practices
  • Preliminary discussion about potential solutions

Interested in Exploring New Initiatives?

Together we can advance health equity and economic opportunity in our communities. By actively participating in our initiatives, we can drive meaningful change. Let us collaborate, advocate, and implement strategies to improve supplier diversity, address social determinants of health, foster inclusive economies, and enhance access to equitable care. Together, we can create a brighter and more inclusive future for all. Join us by participating in one of our initiatives today!