Birth Equity Initiative

Cherished Futures for Black Moms & Babies
Cherished Futures for Black Moms & Babies was a multi-sector collaborative effort to reduce Black infant deaths and improve patient experiences and safety for Black mothers and birthing people in Los Angeles County. Cherished Futures was a joint initiative of Communities Lifting Communities, the Public Health Alliance of Southern California, and the Hospital Association of Southern California from 2019-2023. The work of the joint initiative was completed as of 12/31/2023.
Visit Cherished Futures for Black Moms & Babies to learn more >

Tackling Long-Standing Black Maternal & Infant Health Inequities in Los Angeles County
Guided by the data and grounded in Black women’s experiences, Cherished Futures is a two-year cohort experience that brings together decision-makers from local birthing hospitals, public health departments, health plans, and Black community leaders to co-design systems-change solutions across three systems levels: clinical, institutional, and community.

Fast Facts
- The rate of preterm birth among Black women is 50% higher than for white or Asian women (CDC Reference)
- Black women are 4 times more likely to die from pregnancy-related causes compared to white women (AMA Reference)
- Black women report experiencing discrimination when getting medical care more than other racial/ethnic groups

Our Approach

Teams actively review disaggregated data by race and ethnicity to identify equity gaps

Protocols for timely treatment of hypertension; exclusive breastfeeding

Implicit bias training; centering respectful maternal care

Strengthen partnerships with doulas and resources; engage Black patients through focus groups and patient experience surveys