Daniel Wherley
Daniel joined Communities Lifting Communities in 2024 to lead the team’s efforts in Ventura County, serving as the backbone for the Ventura County Community Health Improvement Collaborative (VCCHIC). He previously led health equity efforts at the Pasadena Public Health Department and has worked for more than a decade in local partnerships to equitably advance health and well-being of communities across California – from homeless services to dementia care, criminal justice reform to community investment advocacy. His graduate research at the University of Toronto and Rutgers University examined the interplay of race, politics, and public health in dealing with hunger during the decades following World War II. This historic understanding continues to shape his approach to health equity, public policy, community collaboration, and advocacy.
A Wisconsin native but longtime Angeleno, Daniel enjoys exploring neighborhoods on foot, watching offbeat movies, visiting libraries and bookstores, and reading – and enjoys them all best when in the company of family and friends.