Ventura County
Community Health Improvement Collaborative and access to
equitable care.

Ventura County Community Health Improvement Collaborative (VCCHIC) Shared Purpose
The mission of the Ventura County Community Health Improvement Collaborative (VCCHIC) is to build partnerships to improve population health outcomes in Ventura County. These partnerships are necessary to accomplish the shared vision of developing strategies based on the identified health priorities from the community health needs assessment that informs a collective approach to community building and organizing for health.

CLC Convener and Backbone
Communities Lifting Communities (CLC), a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit affiliate organization of the Hospital Association of Southern California (HASC), serves as the backbone organization for VCCHIC working to develop a sustainable collaborative structure with the VCCHIC members and community partners for the long-term implementation of population health strategies. CLC’s backbone role convenes the VCCHIC collective impact partnership of hospitals, local health and behavioral health departments, community clinics, Medi-Cal Managed Care plans, community benefit organizations, and community residents and supports cross-sectoral operations and aligned funding streams.

VCCHIC Community Driven Governance Structure
VCCHIC and its Steering Committee hold themselves accountable for creating a decision-making structure that primarily places representative community residents at the center of the leadership’s decisions to make a meaningful difference for the populations it aims to serve.
The Community-Driven Governance Structure differs from other governance structure models most significantly in its expectations that VCCHIC leadership is committed to engaging the community and incorporating community resident voices in its decision-making as a primary focus. The Steering Committee’s actions and decisions flow from the community’s expectations and input, ensuring that decisions are aligned with the reality of the community’s needs.
For more information about the VCCHIC Governance Charter, click here.

VCCHIC Membership and Regional Convenings
The VCCHIC membership refers to the broader group which makes up the Ventura County Community Health Improvement Collaborative, representing local organizations and projects serving underserved populations within Ventura County. VCCHIC membership includes nonprofit organizations, faith-based organizations, local government agencies including behavioral health and public health, businesses, advocacy partners (e.g., through the Hospital Association of Southern California (HASC) and California Hospital Association (CHA), school districts, social service providers, hospitals, community clinics, universities, law enforcement, and organizations that serve veterans and individuals experiencing homelessness and community members. Members are encouraged to participate in VCCHIC activities and regional convening meetings.
- FEB 15th: Virtual (Agenda and Presentation)
- MAY 16th: In-Person (Agenda and meeting details will be forthcoming)
- AUGUST 15th: Virtual (Agenda and meeting details will be forthcoming)
- NOVEMBER 21st: In-Person (Agenda and meeting details will be forthcoming)
Interested in Exploring New Initiatives?
Together we can advance health equity and economic opportunity in our communities. By actively participating in our initiatives, we can drive meaningful change. Let us collaborate, advocate, and implement strategies to improve supplier diversity, address social determinants of health, foster inclusive economies, and enhance access to equitable care. Together, we can create a brighter and more inclusive future for all. Join us by participating in one of our initiatives today!